I know it feels like everyone has a podcast (and they kinda do!)
But I feel incredibly proud that we have created a show that features rich, nuanced conversations that need to be heard!
To talk about our Dominant Stories (the negative self-chatter in our heads) requires vulnerability and strength. My guests are all of that and MORE.
We’ve had some of the most hilarious and heartbreaking conversations.
And we are just getting started!
Listen to the latest episode now:
Here's what some listeners have to say.
Spoiler alert: They LOVE it.

Who are the guests?
Through witty, curious, and hopeful conversations with celebrated guests, we’re unpacking, challenging, and changing our Dominant Stories.
Here's who's been on the show so far, with some clips that tease their episodes.
Sara Bareilles on Creativity
Lori Gottlieb on How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life
Zach Gottlieb on Teen Mental Health
Debby Ryan on Influence + Identity
Azure Antoinette on Chronic Illness + Self-Love
Ana Flores on Passing Down Beauty Rituals
Luvvie Ajayi Jones on The Power of Ritual
Addison Rose Vincent on Breaking the Binary in Beauty
Nicolette Mason on Breaking the Binary in Fashion
Shonda Rhimes on Rewriting Beauty On-Screen
Rachel Bloom on Can I Love My Body and Still Get Plastic Surgery?
Nadia Craddock on Can I Love My Body and Still Get Plastic Surgery?
Iskra Lawrence on Body Image + Family Dominant Stories
And there's more to come! Make sure you subscribe!
A Deeper Look Into Dominant Stories
As a reminder, I’ve been teaching and writing about self-esteem and confidence for over 20 years.
And when it comes to Dominant Stories, there’s not a person I’ve met, no matter age or stage in life, who doesn’t have one.
Dominant stories are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, whether they're true or not. They're the negative voices in our heads that sometimes never shush.

Dominant Stories can sound like:
“I’m not good enough”
“I’m not worthy”
“I should be further along in my life”
“I’m too old to start something new”
Left unexamined, these stories can end up shaping the trajectory of our lives.
They can keep us from taking risks and from committing to the things that matter to us.
Where do Dominant Stories come from?
We pick up Dominant Stories from a number of sources in our life: media, religion, family, relationships, work, education systems. Sometimes our stories have been running for so long we think of them as truth. But they're not.
Dominant Stories and limiting beliefs thrive on secrecy and shame.
And one of the best ways I’ve found to combat, challenge, and change Dominant Stories is to invite them in. Give them a seat at the table. Listen to them.
And <gasp> even talk to someone about them.
Why this podcast? Why now?
Having conversations with folks who are also rewriting their stories is my #1 way to begin healing. This is why I'm thrilled to be hosting the Dominant Stories podcast!

The best part is partnering with the ultimate storyteller…Shonda Rhimes and her company, Shondaland!
We are also in partnership with iHeartRadio which means you can find the podcast on the iHeart app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The first episode launched on Wed, October 27th and we've been dropping new episodes every Wednesday since.
Get a little taste of the incredible convos and please subscribe and write a review!
If you want to tell me about how you are rewriting your Dominant Stories
and be on the show, you can email me and leave me a voice message!
We’ll have experts on with me to help answer your questions, too!